Please see the index below for a list of all our articles on Bursitis.

If you are new to the subject, we recommend starting with: What is Bursitis?

Heel bursitis may be diagnosed after a physical exam and patient interview. In certain cases, medical imaging and lab tests may be ordered.

Heel bursitis can cause heel pain and swelling, skin redness, and back of the heel stiffness. If symptoms indicate septic bursitis, urgent medical care is needed.

Heel bursitis is treated first with home therapies, then other medical interventions. Surgery, such as a bursectomy, may be considered if other methods fail.

Hip bursitis is a form of inflammation. Pain at the outside of the hip, or trochanter pain syndrome, could be bursitis of the hip, or less commonly the iliopsoas.

Hip pain from hip bursitis can be from a hip injury or surgery, repetitive weight on the hip, being overweight, or inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Other conditions must be ruled out before diagnosing hip (trochanteric) bursitis, with the use of MRI, X-ray, and lab tests.

Common symptoms of hip bursitis include pain and tenderness at the outside of the hip that worsens with certain activities, aching pain, and radiating pain.

Hip bursitis is treated first with rest, activity change, and sometimes medication and injections. If it is severe and persists, surgery may be considered.

Knee bursitis, or prepatellar bursitis, is a common cause of knee swelling and inflammation. It may last weeks or more if left untreated.

To diagnose prepatellar bursitis, other conditions must first be ruled out. Diagnostic tools used include patient interviews, physical exams, lab tests, and imaging.
